



大量现货PA66 1300G 日本旭化成

询盘留言| | 产品编号:462063                    更新时间:2021-01-14 21:08
产品价格: 22.00元/kg
所属行业: 聚酰胺/尼龙(PA)
关  键 词: 大量现货PA66 1300G 日本旭化成,供应,塑胶网,工程塑料,聚酰胺/尼龙(PA)
发布时间: 2019-08-02 16:59
浏览次数: 9
  • 主营业务:工程塑料,通用塑料,合金塑料,热塑弹性体
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  • 公司地址:青浦区练塘镇章练塘路588弄15号1幢2层4区113室
业务热线: 13661497421 ( 肖华英 女士)     
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    • 身份验证|
    • 经营模式|贸易商
    • 注册资本|200万人民币
    • 企业类型|个体经营 (贸易商)
    • 主营产品| 工程塑料,通用塑料,合金塑料,热塑弹性体
    • 公司地址|青浦区练塘镇章练塘路588弄15号1幢2层4区113室
    本页信息为上海圆高塑化科技有限公司为您提供的"大量现货PA66 1300G 日本旭化成"产品信息,如您想了解更多关于"大量现货PA66 1300G 日本旭化成"价格、型号、厂家请联系厂家,或给厂家留言。

    金牌会员 第1年 网商通实名认证
    • 企业等级:金牌会员
    • 经营模式:贸易商
    • 所在地区:上海
    • 联系卖家:肖华英 女士
    • 手机号码:13661497421
    • 联系电话:13661497421
    • 微信号码:13661497421
    品牌日本旭化成 kg25kg
    25kg 形式标准|注射成型



    PA66 plastic polyamide materials have a higher melting point. PA66 plastic is still hygroscopic after molding, PA66 plastic viscosity is low, PA66 plastic thermal melting point that is the temperature of crystalline melting of crystalline polymer PA66 plastic, showing a clear melting point, according to the test method used, the melting point is 259 ~ 267 ℃ range of fluctuations. The melting point of PA66 plastic usually measured by differential thermal analysis is 264 ℃. If the temperature at which the volume expansion coefficient shows the maximum is taken as the melting point, the melting point temperature of nylon-66 is 246 to 263 ° C. Close to the theoretical melting temperature of 259 ℃. PA66 plastic injection molding characteristics Drying: If the material is sealed before processing, then there is no need to dry. However, if the storage container is opened, it is advisable to dry it in 85C hot air. If the humidity is greater than 0.2%, also need to 105C, 12 hours of vacuum drying. Melting temperature: 260 ~ 290C. The product of glass additives for 275 ~ 280C. Melting temperature should be avoided above 300C. Mold temperature: Recommended 80C. Mold temperature will affect the degree of crystallinity, and crystallinity will affect the physical properties of the product. for Thin-walled plastic parts, if the use of mold temperature below 40C, the plasticity of plastic parts will change over time, in order to maintain Plastic parts of the geometric stability, the need for annealing treatment. Injection pressure: usually 750 ~ 1250bar, depending on the material and product design. Injection speed: high speed (for reinforced materials should be slightly lower). Runners and sprue: The position of the sprue is very important due to the short setting time of the PA66. Gate aperture not less than 0.5 * t (where t is the plastic thickness). If hot runner is used, gate size should be smaller than with conventional runners because hot runner can help prevent material from premature solidification. If submerged gates are used, the minimum gate diameter should be 0.75mm. PA66 plastic applications PA66 PA series is the highest mechanical strength, the most widely used varieties, because of its high crystallinity, so its rigidity, high heat resistance. Variety Including aliphatic polyamides, aliphatic-aromatic polyamides and aromatic polyamides. Aliphatic polyamide variety, yield, widely used, both for fiber, but also for plastic. Polyamide fiber, also known as nylon, has a yield ratio of 9: 1 with polyamide plastic. Fat - aromatic polyamide varieties, production is small. Aromatic polyamides often referred to as polyaramid, mainly used as fibers, the latter known as aromatic polyamide fibers, commonly known as Kevlar. The name of the polyamide variety, used in industry, is characterized by the number of carbon atoms contained in the unit chain, which can be roughly divided into two types: p-type and mp-type. The p-type polyamide is made from the amino acid H2N (CH2) p-1COOH (or lactam). The unit chain structure is: [- HN (CH2) p-1-CO-] such as polyamide 6 [-HN (CH2) 5CO-] n; polyamide 11 [-HN (CH2) 10CO-] n and the like. In their names, 6 and 11 denote the number of carbon atoms in the unit chain, respectively. mp polyamide is made from dibasic acid HOOC- (C-H2) m-2COOH and diamine H2N (CH2) pNH2, the unit chain structure is: [- OC- (CH2) m- 2CONH ) pNH-] such as polyamide 66 [-OC (C-H2) 4CONH (CH2) 6NH-] n, polyamideC (CH2) 8CONH (C-H2) 10-NH-] n and the like. Their names 66 and 1010 denote the number of carbon atoms of the acid and amine in the unit chain, respectively. Polyamide 66, Polyamide 6, Polyamide 610, Polyamide 1010, Polyamide 11, Polyamide 12 and copolyamide etc. are the main varieties of industrial polyamide plastics. According to the different polyamide additives, polyamide has another enhanced, wear-resistant, microcrystalline, anti-aging and other different modified varieties; by molding methods can be divided into injection molding, extrusion, molding, casting, sintering, etc. Varieties; According to its form can also be divided into pellets, films, powders and billets. Performance Editor PA66 plastic materials for the translucent or opaque white crystalline polymer, with plasticity. Density 1.15g / cm3. The temperature of 252 ° C. 
    1.供应PA66 70G33L美国杜邦 高强度 GF30%
    2.供应PA66 70G13L美国杜邦 高强度 GF13%
    3.供应PA66 70G43L美国杜邦 高刚性GF43%
    4.供应PA66 70G30L美国杜邦GF30%
    5.供应PA66 80G33L美国杜邦 增韧级 耐冲GF33%   
    6.供应PA66 80G25L美国杜邦 增韧级 耐冲 GF25%   
    7.供应PA66 80G33HS美国杜邦 增韧级 耐冲GF33%  
    8.供应PA66 80G25HS美国杜邦 增韧级,耐冲GF33%  
    9.供应PA66 FR50美国杜邦GF25% V-0
    10.供应PA66 FR15美国杜邦 纯树脂V-0
    11.供应PA66 FR10美国杜邦 纯树脂V-0
    12.供应PA66 FR7025美国杜邦 阻燃 V-0
    13.供应PA66 103HSL美国杜邦 热稳定级
    14.供应PA66 103FSL美国杜邦 热稳定级
    15.供应PA66 101L美国杜邦 中粘度 通用级
    16.供应PA66 101F美国杜邦 中粘度 通用级
    17.供应PA66 ST801美国杜邦 杰出的耐冲击性
    18.供应PA66 ST801A美国杜邦 超韧级 防紫外线.
    19.供应PA66 8018美国杜邦 加13%玻纤 超韧级
    20.供应PA66 FE5171美国杜邦GF30% 食品级
    21.供应PA66 70G13HS1L美国杜邦 高强度GF13%
    22.供应PA66 FR52G30BL美国杜邦30%玻纤增强 阻然防火V-0
    23.供应PA66 CM3004-V0日本东丽 环保无卤V-0 
    24.供应PA66 CM3001G-15日本东丽GF15% HB   
    25.供应PA66 CM3001G-30日本东丽GF30% HB
    26.供应PA66 CM3004G-15日本东丽GF15% 环保无卤阻燃 V-0
    27.供应PA66 CM3004G-30日本东丽GF30%环保无卤阻燃 V-0
    28供应PA66 CM3006日本东丽 阻燃防火V-2未强化,耐热性  
    29.供应PA66 CM3006G-15日本东丽V-2玻纤15%强化
    30.供应PA66 CM3006G-30日本东丽V-2玻璃纤维增强 30%
    31.供应PA66 A3Z德国巴斯夫 标准级 高流动
    32.供应PA66 A3K德国巴斯夫 增韧级
    33.供应PA66 A3EG6德国巴斯夫GF25%高刚性尺寸稳定
    34.供应PA66 A3X2G5德国巴斯夫GF25% V0红磷无卤
    35.供应PA66 A3X2G7德国巴斯夫GF35% V0红磷无卤
    36.供应PA66 A3EG3德国巴斯夫GF15%高刚性尺寸稳定
    37.供应PA66 A3EG7德国巴斯夫GF30%高刚性尺寸稳定
    38.供应PA66 A3EG10德国巴斯夫GF50%高刚性尺寸稳定
    39.供应PA66 1300G日本旭化成V2 GF33%高强度 高刚性
    40.供应PA66 1300S日本旭化成V2同用级 平衡的流动性和机械性
    41.供应PA66 1402G日本旭化成 V2 GF30%良好的热抗老化高刚性
    42.供应PA66 FR200日本旭化成 V0 无磷无卤
    43.供应PA66 1330G日本旭化成 含玻璃纤维 耐摩擦 磨耗性 髙刚性
    44.供应PA66 1402S日本旭化成 热稳定级 具有良好的抗热老化
    45.供应PA66 PG170日本旭化成V0 GF15%
    46.供应PA66 PG172日本旭化成V0 GF20% 
    47.供应PA66 14G15日本旭化成V2 GF15%高刚性 耐热
    48.供应PA66 14G45日本旭化成V2 GF45%高刚性 耐热
    49.供应PA66 A205F法国罗地亚 标准级 高流动
    50.供应PA66 A246M法国罗地亚 超韧级
    51.供应PA66 R533H美国首诺 高强度 耐水解食品级
    52.供应PA66 R543H美国首诺 HB耐热性
    53.供应PA66 21SPC美国首诺 V-2 通用级

    以上内容为品牌经销 PA66 1300G 日本旭化成 抗蠕变,本产品由上海圆高塑化科技有限公司直销供应。

    主营产品或服务 工程塑料,通用塑料,合金塑料,热塑弹性体 经营模式 贸易商
    注册资本 200万人民币 公司注册时间 2017
    公司所在地 上海 企业类型 个体经营 (贸易商)


    • 现货直销PA66 2710IR

      现货直销PA66 2710IR

    • 阻燃PA66 2210HSBLACK

      阻燃PA66 2210HSBLACK

    • 供应PA66 GYY01CP 基

      供应PA66 GYY01CP 基

    • 聚酰胺PA66 3010CF30B

      聚酰胺PA66 3010CF30B

    • 热稳定剂PA66 AG-25HM

      热稳定剂PA66 AG-25HM

    • 直销PA6 B35EG3 德国

      直销PA6 B35EG3 德国

    • 注塑级PA6 B30S 朗盛

      注塑级PA6 B30S 朗盛

    • 出售高流动PA6 CM1001

      出售高流动PA6 CM1001

    • 标准粘度PA6 1013B 日

      标准粘度PA6 1013B 日

    • 出售注塑级PA66 101F

      出售注塑级PA66 101F

    • 现货供应PA66 A3EG6

      现货供应PA66 A3EG6

    • 长期供应PA66 A30S 朗

      长期供应PA66 A30S 朗



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